If you are ever at a loss to support a flagging conversation, introduce the subject of eating."

Leigh Hunt






"I spent the whole day without eating and the whole night without sleeping so that I could think -- but it was useless. It is better to learn."













How it works

Creating 10 to 12 meals for your family is a simple, quick
and easy process with Time Too Savor. The process can
be broken down into 3 simple steps:

You can place your order in a matter of minutes (please 48 hours in advance) using this convenient website. Just visit the "Plan Your Meals" section of this site and select a location,TIME and what meals you would like to prepare, again 48 hours in advance.

Each month we offer 14 or more delicious entrees to choose from. In addition, many of our dishes have alternatives that you may use to customize your order. To view this month's menu,

You can also fax or mail an order form with payment. If you prefer to have a customer service representative help you with your order call us at (248) 477-9208.

The moment you step inside, your Time Too Savor Meal Coordinator will greet you and make you feel at home. After a brief orientation,you will be directed towards where to place your personal items, grab an apron your checklist and then we get you going. After you have washed yours hands, you will travel to each recipe station you have chosen.

Following the provided recipe you will scoop and pour the pre-cut ingredients for your meals into baking pans or Ziploc bags.

While you're assembling your meals, enjoy chatting with friends or introducing yourself to those at neighboring stations. We hope you enjoy all of the selected gadgets and toys we've gathered that will make your meal assembly a breeze!
You can customize each meal any way you like. If your kids don't like onions, leave them out. You assemble it the way your family likes it! Once you have finished assembling, you won't even have to worry about cleaning up after yourself. Our helpful assistants love to do that for you.

During assembly, you will be stowing each completed meal in your personal area in our freezer. In two hours or less you will have finished assembling your incredible uncooked entrees, and you will have had fun doing it!

At anytime during the process feel free to take a break in the front of our store. There we will provide you with refreshments and some quick snacks.
Once all of your entrees have been completed you will be assisted in gathering and transporting them to your car. From here you can say goodbye to friends, old and new, and take your ready-to-cook entrees home to place in your freezer.

When you're ready to eat one of your dinners just follow our complete and simple instructions on how to quickly prepare your meal using basic kitchen utensils. Soon you will have a delicious meal that feeds 4 or more people without any of the grunt work. No shopping, no clean up, no waste, just Time Too Savor. 

For sample instructions,
